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10 ways to handle employee termination effectively
Employee Centricity

10 ways to handle employee termination effectively

The Hummer
May 7, 2024

Goodbyes are certainly hard. They are harder when it’s an employee. Even harder when you have to write a termination letter to an employee and heartbreaking if it’s a voluntary termination from a top performer. Whether voluntary or involuntary, here are a few tried and tested tips to handle employee termination effectively.

10 tips to handle employee termination effectively

10 ways to handle employee termination effectively | peopleHum

It is difficult, as an employer or as HR to go up to the employee and talk about termination. Here are some steps to take in order to handle employee termination effectively. There are certain things which you as HR or employer can do to do away with employee termination. Try those and move forward if all else fails.

1. Communicate

This might look like a cliched tip. But trust us, it is worthy. Communicate your expectations properly. As we always say, you can exceed expectations only when you know the expectations. Also, understand your employee's situation and act accordingly.

2. Plan 

After the first stage of communication, come up with a plan which will work well for both the employee and the employer. Curate a solid plan. Urge the employee in question to implement it and live by it. In case of voluntary employee termination. Try and strike a deal that is beneficial for both the parties.

3. Upskill

You have to step up and be a good coach. You have to show the same enthusiasm which you had while hiring the employee. If the employee is an underperformer, initiate a training or an upskilling program which may help them perform better.

4. Observe

Observe whether the employee is working on himself and putting in effort to make positive impacts. Give a chance for growth and then take the decision forward. If the upskilling is also not working, then you definitely have a problem at hand.

5. Document

Make notes of the instances which is leading you to make the decision of terminating the employee. This will definitely help you in the long run. Document the downfalls and the issues which has lead you to make the decision of employee termination.

6. Watch the Time and Channel

To be honest, there is no right time to say ‘we have to let you go’, but ensure to choose the best out of the worst timings to deliver the news. The medium through which you are communicating should also be carefully chosen.

7. Tone down your tone

No matter how bad a performer the employee was, make sure to choose a subtle tone. This way, you come out as a great employer. Keep your calm and convey the message as subtly as possible. Remember that it is not going to be easy for the employee. Take their emotions into consideration and take the high road.

8. Bye-Bye Drama

Say no to any drama. Have a proper letter prepared and let the other employees know about the termination of the employee in question by stating the facts. Don’t bring emotion to center stage while handling the employee termination process.

9. Strangle the grapevine

Give no room for rumors. Get up and talk before the other employees set on a rally to communicate their assumptions and takes about the termination. This is important in the case of involuntary as well as voluntary employee termination. Nip the rumors and take the stage and state the details as early as possible so that there are no stories in the making.

10. Anticipate

Being proactive has to come to be an innate quality of the employer and HR. try and foresee the happenings and be prepared for sudden terminations. Don’t be caught off the guard when a top performer hands in their resignation. You should be prepared to fill the void or the requirement. Anticipate what may come along.

In case of specific scenarios like if the position has become redundant, ensure to accommodate the employee and if that is impossible, be considerate. Remember, every employee who steps out of your organization is an ambassador. You don’t want them talking il about you. Certain scenarios are inevitable but ensure to your part right.

How to reduce employee termination?

Certain employee terminations are inevitable. However, there are means which you as an employer can employ to reduce employee termination by a large margin. As an employer, your key focus must be employee retention. You will be surprised to see some of the employee retention statistics.

1. Employee Engagement Initiatives

Employee Engagement is crucial to sustain a company.  It is a fact that engaged employees are more productive in a company. You can reduce involuntary employee termination to a large extent if your workspace is filled with productive employees.

2. Employee appreciation

After all the efforts and stress, imagine the situation of the employees if they feel that they are not being appreciated enough or are not being recognized for their attempts? Employee appreciation can create a positive impact and can boost the motivation to work.

3. Company Culture

Your company culture pronounces the personality for your company. It plays an important part in employee retention. Employees would never want to leave a company with good company culture and would work hard to make sure that they are not terminated.

4. Performance Upliftment Programs

Upskill your employees and give them performance upliftment. Train them at regular intervals and promote a culture of learning and unlearning.

Be a company that wants to grow with their people and not outgrow their people. Try and reduce employee termination as much as possible. Talent management has become easy with the advancement in technology, make use of it the right way. Embrace these changes and get ready to handle employee termination the right way.

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10 ways to handle employee termination effectively

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