A única coisa constante na vida é a mudança.
Whether it has become a catchphrase in recent times or has been popularised by the Brazilian singer - Elba Ramalho, Jogo de Cintura is a local Brazilian concept that has universal applicability and relevance. If in Brazil, you would know that each day is an adventure and it is important to take things as they come. Fine-tune your approach to derive the best experience possible. In contexts of both work and play, the Brazilians refer to this wiggle-room as “Jogo de Cintura”.
When literally translated, Jogo refers to “game” or “play” while Cintura is “waist”. Thus, Brazilian figurative speech considers this phrase as a way of maneuvering something, by not being rigid. In practical terms, this ease of movement is when individuals have the ability to go through all kinds of problems, to tolerate, adapt themselves and be flexible to changing situations. Be nimble and resilient.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” - Charles Darwin
Lately, we have all come to realize that the only way to cope and overcome unpredictable, challenging and unforeseen circumstances is by being malleable enough to diverse situations and by developing and strengthening ingenuity and tenacity as we grow. It is when problems are put up with tactful and astute actions that a transformational shift is brought about in the way things are carried out. Let’s see how HR globally has succeeded in building organizational resilience in the face of the COVID-19 crisis!
Human Resources: The corporate epitomizers of Jogo de Cintura
CEOs now focus on employee wellness, Return to Office and engagement. As a consequence, the role of HR as a CEO confidant has been elevated to become a significant enabler and driver for the organization. HR has manifested itself during pandemic times in a way that it has left a positive dent in the eyes of the world. Worldwide, the key to this success of HR lies in its focus on organizational resilience.
As mentioned by Brenna Sniderman, Executive Director of the Center for Integrated Research at Deloitte Services LP, resilience isn’t merely the ability to bounce back after a crucial phase. It focuses more on developing fresh perspectives on critical business issues with changing times. In other words, it is not just the ability to overcome a catastrophe but is also the ability to emerge from one in a better position than before.

The outside is filled with uncertainty and dread. Inside, anxiety and grief prevail, Resilience in business objectives keeping the employee outlook in mind has never been so prevalent. Resilience - not to be confused with workplace stress management. Its more the ability to adapt to change. You can’t plan for everything, but how you react to a crisis defines you. The ability to see through with empathy, collaboration, communication.
So lets look at what are the ways to build resilience and agility in an organization?
The people aspect
Statistics confirm that over 90% of employers say productivity stayed the same or increased as a result of remote work. This has led to over 83% of organizations willing to offer remote work or a hybrid work model even post the pandemic.
Organizations need to prioritize agility and innovation to navigate threats in an ever-changing environment. For example, a business that is adaptive would be swift to identify internal issues (e.g. failing business operations) as well as external concerns (e.g. shifts in trends or competitive markets) before adopting appropriate solutions or strategies to stabilize the problem.
Klaus Schwab, the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum says, “In the new world, it is not the big fish which eats the small fish. Rather, it’s the fast fish which eats the slow fish”. Thus, more than enormity, it is agility that will guide businesses to success in the New Normal.
“Success today requires the agility and drive to constantly rethink, reinvigorate, react, and reinvent.” – Bill Gates
So how does an organization build agility?
By ensuring there is constant communication of changes, happenings, strategy and collaboration. The right tools to handle communication and collaboration aspects are the base for an agility based organization. The aspect of agility that makes it successful is however the empathy and the human touch. Top down, command and control organizations have given way to more open, project and purpose based organizations with a focus on employee experience and engagement. These represent the spice mix of the culture that drives the organization forward.
In order to ensure flexible, agile and resilient working, it is on HR to build a psychologically safe culture, encourage workforce collaboration and foster learning and development. A focus on employee empowerment, personal growth, empathy and collaboration would ensure employees are in the bandwidth to work and would in turn lead to them delivering positive and sustainable results.

The process aspect
Process for the sake of having a process rarely works. It is the people that embrace the process for the greater good that make it successful. Automation is the new mantra to keep it easy to deploy, activate and monitor. HR automation provides for accelerating the mundane whereas people involved with the process focus on ensuring success by understanding the people that are impacted by the process.
A clear communication of the process, an easy lookup and everyone in the chain or impact zone being aware of what happens when will determine the success. It is hard to pull off a manual process in a remote work environment, so a good integrated one view tool or platform would be essential to ensuring the success of the process being implemented. Platforms like peopleHum can help in setting up, activating and monitoring a people process with built in automation to eliminate the mundane.
How peopleHum contributes to resilience
peopleHum is a one view integrated platform for the complete employee experience, built on the three futuristic must-haves - Flexibility, agility and resilience.

Boost your employees’ productivity by communicating, collaborating, and engaging through a unique approach focused on experience design. Use the power of automation to implement automation of process, whether it be hiring, onboarding, performance management or to make your whole operation paperless. Bringing this Jogo de Cintura solution will go a long way to implement resiliency in your organization!
Driving the future of cloud-based human capital platforms in markets like Brazil, peopleHum is a must-have for aligning and transforming your organizational goals.
Hurry! You don’t want to be left behind! It’s time for a quick tour of our intricately crafted software!
In days of stress and strife, it is only the approach of management that guides organizations in achieving their business objectives. As the planet tries to maintain sanity amidst the ups and downs of COVID-19, it is only Human Resources that mends the wreck of the pandemic in the corporate world. HR has turned and is still in the process of turning this adversity into an opportunity by personifying Jogo de Cintura and delivering a more compassionate employee experience. If anything, businesses around the world need to credit HR for the manner in which it has handled and emerged victoriously out of this crisis. There’s no doubt that HR has exemplified Robert Schuller’s famous quote - “Tough times don’t last. Tough people do”!