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Navigating holiday spirits and work deadlines
Employee Engagement

Navigating holiday spirits and work deadlines

Palak Jamuar
April 4, 2024

As the holiday season draws near, you find your workspace overshadowed by looming deadlines, much like an endless holiday to-do list. Imagine the challenge of wrapping heaps of gifts while untangling a stubborn string of lights – that's the essence of juggling work commitments and holiday spirits. A study by the American Psychological Association found that 38% of people feel their stress increase during the holidays. This blog seeks to guide you through this busy period, striving for a balanced mix of productivity and celebration.

1. Planning is your North Star

Start by mapping out your work commitments and deadlines. Knowing what needs to be done and when it's due is half the battle won. Next, pencil in those holiday activities you don't want to miss – whether it's a family gathering, a market visit, or just some quiet time to enjoy the festive atmosphere. Try to be realistic with your time; don't pack your schedule too tight. Leave some space for those unexpected holiday surprises or last-minute work tasks.

In short, a good plan is the magic ingredient that makes sure you enjoy the holiday season to the fullest while keeping up with your work.

2. Setting realistic goals

When the holidays roll around, it's tempting to load up your work 'sleigh' like Santa, but remember, even Santa has his limits! 

Start by identifying the most important tasks. Consider these as the essential items on your to-do list, the ones you absolutely must tackle before you can relax and enjoy your break. After you've identified and planned for these key tasks, you can then shift your focus to the less crucial ones. Keep it light, manageable, and, most importantly, realistic. After all, a smoothly running sleigh makes for a much merrier ride!

3. The art of saying' No'-el

When extra commitments come knocking at your door, it’s important to know when to open the door and when to politely decline. Here’s the thing: saying no doesn't mean you’re the Grinch. It means you're being realistic about what you can handle. Despite the need to set boundaries, a LinkedIn survey found that 58% of employees would say yes to extra work to impress their boss, highlighting a conflict between personal wellbeing and workplace expectations.So, how do you say no without feeling like you've snatched the last holiday cookie from the jar? It's all about being polite but firm. Acknowledge the request, appreciate the opportunity, but be clear about your current workload.

4. Unplug like it's a snow day

In this screen-saturated world, unplugging can be your ticket to a little peace and quiet. It's about rediscovering the joys of life beyond the glow of a screen. Remember, your phone won’t feel lonely if you leave it alone for a bit, but your mind will definitely thank you for the breather. It's not just about disconnecting; it's about reconnecting with the world around you and finding joy in the simple things.
Here's a strategy to make it work: set specific 'no-screen' times each day. Maybe it's during dinner, the first hour after you wake up, or right before bed. Treat these times as sacred, non-negotiable appointments with yourself. 

5. Delegate like Santa’s elves

Delegation, when done right, not only lightens your load but also empowers your team, builds trust, and enhances efficiency. It's all about teamwork and knowing who's best for each task. A good strategy is to be clear about what needs to be done and who can do it best. It's not about offloading your work; it's about smartly sharing the load. This approach is backed by a Deloitte study which found that effective delegation can increase employee satisfaction by up to 33%. It illustrates the power of delegation in creating a harmonious and productive work environment during the bustling holiday season.

Wrapping up...

So there you have it, your holiday survival kit, packed with strategies to jingle all the way through the season without letting work turn you into a Scrooge. From planning like a pro to delegating like Santa's top elf, remember, the key is to find your merry balance. Embrace the festive chaos with a smile and a plan and let peopleHum be your year-round companion in creating a workplace where every season is a reason to celebrate.

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