After-tax deduction

What is After-Tax deduction?

After-tax deduction is the amount that is automatically deducted from employees’ post-tax income. This is the amount that remains after payroll taxes have been deducted and pre-tax deductions from pay checks have been made.  

The digitised after-tax revenues for firms are relatively the same as for individuals, but companies begin by identifying total revenues instead of evaluating gross income.

Examples of After-Tax Deductions:

After-tax deductions can include a variety of items such as:

  • Wage garnishments
  • Union dues
  • Certain insurance premiums (e.g., life insurance)
  • Charitable contributions

How to Calculate After-Tax Deductions?

Calculating after-tax deductions involves several steps:

  1. Determine Gross Income: Start with the total earnings before any deductions.
  2. Subtract Pre-Tax Deductions: These include contributions to retirement plans (like a 401(k)), health insurance premiums, and other eligible expenses.
  3. Calculate Taxable Income: This is the income on which taxes will be calculated.
  4. Calculate Taxes Owed: Use the taxable income to determine federal, state, and local taxes.
  5. Net Income After Taxes: Subtract the calculated taxes from the taxable income.
  6. Subtract After-Tax Deductions: Identify and subtract any after-tax deductions.

Detailed Calculation Example

Let's consider an example to illustrate the process:

Abi Sample's Calculation

  • Gross Income: $30,000

  • Pre-Tax Deductions: $10,000

  • Taxable Income=$30,000−$10,000=$20,000

  • Taxes Owed: Assuming a federal tax rate of 15%

                                                 Federal Taxes=$20,000×0.15=$3,000

                                                Income After Federal Tax=$30,000−$3,000=$27,000

  • State and Local Taxes: Abi pays $1,000 in state taxes and $500 in municipal income taxes:

                                                 Income After State and Local Taxes=$27,000−($1,000+$500)=$25,500

  • After-Tax Deductions: Let's assume Abi has $200 in union dues and $100 in other after-tax deductions:

                                                 Final Net Income=$25,500−($200+$100)=$25,200

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