Candidate relationship management (CRM)

What is Candidate relationship management?

Candidate relationship management (CRM) is the structured process of maintaining a healthy and positive relationship with people in the talent pipeline. This includes active candidates, passive candidates, and former candidates who may not have worked out in the past but have potential in the future. 

It is a method used by recruiters to define the candidate experience, i.e., the overall experience of the candidate’s interaction with recruiter during the recruitment cycle. Candidate relationship management helps the organization create a pool of talent for hiring whenever the need arises. 

Candidate relationship management

Importance of Candidate relationship management

The way in which the company manages candidate relationships directly affects how they candidates perform when they become employees. Candidate experience determines the employee engagement levels and defines the employee experience. All of it beings with candidate relationship management done right. 

1. It helps you build a memorable employer brand

In the era of Glassdoor, candidates look to employer reviews before submitting their resumes to the organization. Therefore, the role of the employer brand should not be neglected while hiring talent. Organizations need to be known for maintaining healthy relationships not just with current employees, but also with former employees and candidates, too. 

Candidates need to be convinced that they’ll be working at place that matches their values, work ethic, and the work they will be doing. By using Candidate relationship management for recruitment marketing, organizations can build an employer brand that ensures that they attract the best talent.

2. It gives candidates insight into company culture

When candidates identify with the culture recruiters demonstrate through the practice of customer relationship management, they tend to become better employees once hired. They are more engaged, invested and passionate about their individual, team, and organizational goals.

3. It helps recruiters nurture a pipeline of talented individuals

One of the aspects of Candidate relationship management is keeping in touch with candidates that didn’t make it past the selection process as well as passive candidates. Nurturing a talent pipeline will let them now that they will be considered for future opportunities. 

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