
What is crowdsourcing?

Crowdsourcing is the process of enlisting the help of a large number of individuals to execute tasks, produce ideas, or create content. Crowdsourcing is a method for businesses to outsource work in the form of micro-tasks to a big group of people; it may also be used to acquire information and opinions.

The concept of crowdsourcing is based on what is known as the "wisdom of crowds" theory. The concept is that a large group of people can bring unexpected insight or value when they work together.

How does crowdsourcing work?

Task Distribution:

  • A company or organization identifies tasks or goals that can be distributed among many participants.

Participant Engagement:

  • Tasks are shared with a large, undefined group of people, typically through the internet.
  • Participants can choose to contribute based on their interest, skills, or incentives offered.

No Formal Connection:

  • Participants usually have no formal connection to each other or the organization.
  • They contribute independently.

Technology Facilitation:

  • Utilizes platforms such as websites, apps, social media, and email to reach and engage a wide audience.
  • Efficient communication and easy information exchange are crucial.

Data Collection and Aggregation:

  • Contributions are collected, reviewed, and aggregated by the organization.
  • Inputs can range from ideas, solutions, data, to actual labor.

Implementation and Feedback:

  • The organization analyzes the gathered inputs.
  • Selected contributions are implemented, and feedback may be provided to participants.


  • Ride-sharing apps (Uber, Lyft) using individual drivers.
  • Wikipedia with numerous editors contributing content.
  • Design competitions where multiple designers submit work for selection.

What are the benefits of crowdsourcing

1. Less expensive than hiring an employee:

Hiring a skilled contractor or a regular employee is sometimes more expensive than using crowdsourced labour. It may even be completely free, with workers joining for reasons other than monetary gain (such as personal interest).

2. Can bring fresh ideas:

Because the crowd may generate ideas that would not have been discovered through a more traditional approach, crowdsourcing can be beneficial for generating positive results.

3. Can help lower the risk:

Risk is externalised with crowdsourcing, which means the company does not risk its own time, money, or labour on the task at hand, instead accepting only the results that meet its needs.

Drawbacks of crowdsourcing

1. Limited control:

A typical crowdsourcing strategy would allow the business to manage the process from start to finish. In a crowdsourcing effort, even a minor misunderstanding with the audience can easily lead to a project going in the wrong direction and wasting time.

2. Quality could be surpassed by quantity:

A corporation may receive a large number of submissions, ideas, or completed work when activities are outsourced to a large group of individuals, yet the individual output of those tasks may be mediocre. As a result, sifting through the low-quality crowdsourced content to get useable results becomes a monumental task.

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