What is an interview?
An interview refers to a formal meeting in which a job applicant is asked questions to determine their suitability for a particular role.

What are the objectives of an interview?
An interview is a two-way communication tool between interviewer and interviewee. The interviewer asks for information through the mode of questions, and the interviewer provides responses for the same through their answers. Interviews are an effective tools for selection because, in this way, the hirer learns about the applicant and the applicant also gets a chance to learn about the employer and the organization.
The objectives of an interview are:
- To determine the applicant’s suitability.
- To gain in-depth information from the applicant.
- To provide brand awareness about the company to the applicant.
- To create a good image of the company among applicants.
What are the types of interview?
1. Structured interview
A structured interview is one in which an interviewer asks job applicants a standardised set of questions. This is also know as a patterned or guided interview.
2. Unstructured interview
An unstructured interview is one in which an interviewer does not follow any formal rules and procedures, and questions are made up during the interview. The discussions are free-flowing.
3. Mixed interview
A mixed interview is a combination of structured and unstructured interviews. Here, the interviewer presents a blend of predetermined and spontaneous questions to the applicant. This approach allows the employer to make a comparison between responses and also get in-depth insights of the applicant’s character.
4. Behavioural interview
A behavioural interview is one in which a candidate is presented with a problem or a hypothetical situation which they should solve. It reveals the applicants ability to solve the problem presented.
5. Stress interview
A stress interview is commonly used for those jobs which are more prone to stress. The interviewee is presented with a number of rapid-fire questions. Through it, the interviewer seeks to know how the applicant will respond to stress.
6. One to one interview
A one to one interview is the most common type of interview, in which there are only two participants - the interviewer and the interviewee.
7. Panel interview
A panel interview is a form of interview in which there is a panel of two or more interviewers. All the members of the panel are different representatives of the company.
8. Telephonic interview
A telephonic interview is conducted over the telephone. It is economical and less time consuming, and only focuses on asking and answering questions.
9. Video interview
A video interview is one in which a video conferencing tool is employed to evaluate a job applicant. Due to its flexibility, rapidity and inexpensiveness, it is being used increasingly.