Real Time Recognition

What is Real Time Recognition?

Real-time recognition refers to providing immediate feedback and appreciation to a member of your team. Automatic recognition enables colleagues and managers to communicate in a timely, effective, and understandable manner, resulting in valuable recognition.

Why is Real time recognition important?

1. Simple to grasp

Facilitating real-time rewards in the workplace enables team members to quickly connect what they have done correctly. In effect, it will enable them to identify exactly what they are doing well and continue to improve, thereby increasing their productivity.

2. Individual and specific

Many types of real-time recognition can be highly personalised. As a result, team members are happier and more trusting of their employers. Furthermore, studies show that happiness boosts productivity by 31%.

3. Loyalty

Following on from trust, real-time recognition increases employee loyalty to the organisation. Higher levels of loyalty reduce staff turnover and require less time for training and hiring, saving money in the long run.

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