Work-life Balance

What does work-life balance mean?

Work-life balance refers to an employee's capacity to handle both personal and professional commitments while yet having enough time for rest and relaxation. Each person may have a different definition of their ideal work-life balance.

What is a good work-life balance?

A healthy work-life balance will mean something different to each of us. It's not so much about dividing your time 50/50 between work and play as it is about making sure you're happy and fulfilled in both areas of your life. The following is an example of a healthy balance:  

  • Meeting job deadlines while still having time for friends and hobbies
  • Getting adequate sleep and eating healthily
  • Not obsessing about work when you're at home

How can HRM improve work-life balance?

Companies should conduct frequent workshops and programmes on work-life balance in order to increase employee awareness of the importance of it.  

Employers are required to take the following steps:  

1. Working late should be avoided at all costs.  

2. Employees should be polled on a regular basis to determine their level of satisfaction and the sources of their unhappiness.  

3. Provide recreational holidays.  

4. Offer options such as working from home or having flexible hours.  

5. Transfer the personnel to a new location.

Why is work-life balance important in HRM?

It is well recognised that jobs have an impact on and cause stress in the personal life of those who hold them. Stress can arise as a result of work or personal pressures. Stressful conditions have been shown to have a negative impact on a person's health, both physically and psychologically. Workplace pressure, stress, or anxiety can lead to poor social behaviour and vice versa. Employees should strike a healthy balance between their professional and personal lives.  

Maintaining this balance will aid them in achieving their personal, professional, and organisational objectives. Alternative work arrangements, benefits, support programmes, and health programmes are all examples of work-life balance programmes.

What are the benefits of having a work-life balance?

Both employers and employees benefit from achieving a work-life balance. Employers benefit from diligent and energetic staff, while employees feel protected and loyal. Employees' self-confidence, attentiveness, self-worth, and allegiance are also improved.

Also read : The useless problem of the work-life balance

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