Release Notes

Last updated

July 4, 2023

with releases from


January 2023

  • Option for an owner to reset password:
    In case your organization has disabled all email notifications and the Administrator (user role: Owner) needs to share the login password with a user, then that can now be done through the ‘Reset password’ option. 
  • Comments in the Goal score report:
    Added 'comments' column to Goal score report.
  • Date of application for applicants in Hire:  
    You can now edit the date of application for applicants at any point in time, during the lifecycle of an applicant.
  • Job architecture:
    You can now create a hierarchy of designations in your organization.  Go to Advance settings > Job architecture  
    Set up the relationship between job functions, designations, and levels.
  • Skill repository:
    A skills repository is a repository of all the skills in the organization. You can define default levels for all the skills, or set up levels at each skill level.
  • Career planning:
    Career planning is a method to manage your career path actively. Through career planning, employees can see the following career path, based on the structure defined in the job architecture. Through career planning, one can keep track of their interested designations, and the development plan created around that. 
  • Enhanced leave settings: 
    A completely new way to set up leaves is now available in peopleHum, which is more advanced and flexible to support more organizational leave policies and use cases. 
    A single leave category (E.g. Sick Leave) can support multiple leave policies now, bringing in the support to retain, transfer some, or reset balances when an employee moves from one policy to another. 
  • Resignation Withdrawal:  
    Sometimes, when a valued employee hands in their resignation, the company will try and negotiate to get them or to stay. This could involve a promotion offer, the promise of more money, or better benefits. Sometimes, the employee is terminated after giving notice because of low performance but if the employee outperformed himself in the last month then the termination is reversed by HR. peopleHum now supports both the above cases with the upcoming feature of resignation withdrawal. 
  • Paybooks admin SSO:
    Your Owner/HR/Finance still have to remember two passwords to log in to payroll and peopleHum?  
    peopleHum has integrated with Paybooks for a simplified payroll experience and has added an SSO login as well. The Owner/HR/Finance can now directly login to their payroll admin dashboard in Paybooks by clicking a button provided on peopleHum.

December 2022

  • Undertime in Manage:
    Want to increase staff productivity by implementing an undertime policy? We've got you covered there! 
    To define and set under-time policy according to the shifts which are followed in your organization, go to peopleHum>Organisation settings> Manage> Undertime.
  • Paybooks SSO:
    Do your employees still have to remember two passwords to log in to payroll and peopleHum? peopleHum has integrated with Paybooks for a simplified payroll experience and has added an SSO login as well. The employee can now directly log in to their payroll dashboard in paybooks, by clicking a button provided on peopleHum. 
  • Recurring Tasks in Manage:
    Manage>Tasks>Task Template 
    Now you can create task templates and can also set the recurrence of that task. 
    Recurring tasks are tasks that happen over and over again, on a regular basis.
  • Global search by employee ID: 
    You can now search users using Employee ID in the global search.
  • External job page:  
    We have changed the look and feel of the external job page, the old UI has changed to the new UI, and the user interactions have changed.
  • Job Age in HIRE:
    For ease of viewing the age of a job, a new column has been introduced in the job view by the name AGE (in days).
  • Approvals enhancements:
    Auto approves the requests-

    This shall auto-approve all the requests that come under this rule scope. 

    Auto rejects the requests-

    This shall auto-reject all the requests that come under the scope of this rule. 

    Set up approvers and approver levels
    When this is toggled on then the System would be able to display the approvers set up option and display the levels of approvers and allow the user to set up approvers according to role, hierarchy, etc.

November 2022

  • Multi-level approval for attendance:
    peopleHum now supports a multi-level approval flow for attendance regularization requests. You can now set multi-level approvals for an employee’s request for attendance regularization. 
  • Attendance Deviations Report:
    Weekly and Monthly Aggregate Reports have been added as part of the Attendance Deviations Report.
  • Maximum Time for Clock In and Clock Out: 
    Under Organisation Settings > Manage > Default Shift Configuration and as part of the other Shift Configuration settings. 
    This setting helps define the timings within which employees can clock in and clock out/mark as a present for a given day. The homepage button to mark attendance will be disabled and greyed out outside these hours. 
  • Goals approval :
    Goals are typically created by the employees in peopleHum via the Perform > Goals feature. The company may also choose to have a window as a part of its appraisal cycle to write and finalize goals. Employees in this time frame will create new goals or link previously created goals to the current cycle. Managers will use the peopleHum goals feature to approve/reject the goals in order to make changes.
  • Employee ID in Assets:
    Users with the requisite permissions for Manage > Assets can view the Employee ID as part of the hover popup on the Profile Pill.  
    You’ll also be able to view and filter assets for assigned employees based on Employee ID in the Assets Export Excel Sheet, as it has been made available now.
  • Bulk Sending a Document for Signing under Manage > Documents:
    With the new changes, you’ll now be able to send any document, that has to be generated and signed for multiple people, in one go for signing, while also flexibly changing the information on the document and also the recipients/signers for that person. 
  • Evaluation parameters:
    You can now set up evaluation parameters at every stage level, rather than at the job level. While setting up the hiring pipeline set up evaluation parameters for stage type “Interview".

October 2022

  • Additional Columns in To-dos under Hire Pillar:
    Under Hire, tasks such as Interviews, Screenings, Assessments, and other to-dos for custom stages have been brought under a single module called “To-dos”. These tabs under to-dos had only a few columns, with no way to add more columns with applicant information or sort/filter on the same.  
  • Attendance Deviations Report: 
    Found under: ”Reports > Custom Reports > Manage” 
    We have added a new attendance deviations report, which shows the information on a daily basis for all users across a date range selected. It shows entries for the dates where there was a deviation from the working hours expected for that employee, whether it is in terms of undertime or overtime. It also shows the deviation that happened, in terms of minutes. 
  • Custom use case selection for a payroll cycle: 
    Want to send the only attendance data during the payroll sync? 
    No need to request with the customer success team anymore, you can set up your payroll cycle on peopleHum such that it will only send the selected use-case-related details to the payroll system.
  • Employee id in profile pop-up:
    You can now see the employee ID in all the profile pop-ups.
  • Allow the owner to approve all requests including his own:
    The owner can now approve all the approval requests in the platform, including his own.

September 2022

  • Interview score :
    We now have a confirmation box before the interviewer submits the score. This will help in giving a warning before submitting a score as they can’t change the score once submitted.
  • To-dos for Hire (In QA):
    Introducing to-do's in Hire, all my interviews and screenings tab will move to this section.
  • Hiring pipeline enhancements (In QA) :
    You will now be able to see the next stages in the pipeline by hovering over the stage name.
  • Clock in time on the home page:
    Want to see your current day’s clock-in time? peopleHum now shows the clock-in time on the homepage as soon as you clock in for the day.
  • Paid vs unpaid leave - payroll integration:
    The paid unpaid marking of the leaves was already supported in the peopleHum Leave Management system but now the Loss of Pay calculation for an employee, is supported on peopleHum, where any unpaid leave taken by an employee will be calculated as a Loss of Pay in the payroll sheet.
  • Payroll API Keys validations:
    Payroll API keys are received by GreytHR team and it should be the correct ones otherwise the process of sending the data won’t happen. 
  • Flexible Accrual Policy:
    A more flexible accrual policy like weekly, quarterly, and half-yearly has also been a common ask and thus been included in the peopleHum leave policy definition.
  • Save as a draft at every step in job creation:  
    You can now save it as a draft at any step of job creation without adding all mandatory fields. The only fields which you need to fill in to make it unique are the job profile and job code.
  • Hiring automation – 1 use case:
    Hiring automation is present on an entitlement basis in the sales portal. This will be covered in phases and one of the use cases which we have covered is; Event
    When an applicant's assessment score has come in.

August 2022

  • Custom stages:  
    Configuring the hiring process before adding applicants is critical to ensure that the applicants are handled based on the hiring workflow. Using this feature, recruiters can set up the pipeline, based on their preferred hiring process. 
  • Quick job:  
    Adding a job itself has become a comprehensive task, so we will be giving the option to add a job, with only the mandatory fields.
    You can access quick job from the navigation bar or from the new job option.
  • Learn to 1-on-1s linkage:
    When a manager initiates a regular or an ad-hoc 1-on-1, the manager can now add courses for a team member to learn. The manager can browse through the course catalog and select the courses that need to be completed by the team member. 
  • End-of-period leave accrual 
    Leaves are typically earned by the employees by working throughout a period (week, month etc.). Thus, peopleHum now supports the feature to accrue the leave toward the end of the month of the employee rather than start of the month. 
    This will help us cater to different leave policies of various of our customer’s organisation.

June 2022

  • Job Assessments- An end-to-end feature that helps you evaluate the applicants’ suitability for the job and make unbiased hiring decisions based on the assessment score. You can now add, collaborate and define the assessments taken at an individual job level.
  • Optional Holiday- ‘Optional Holiday’ is a type of holiday that is optional for an employee and depends on whether he/she wants to avail the same. On peopleHum, you can now add an optional holiday for a set of users in your organization. These users will be able to request and view these holidays in the same way they view leaves. 
  • Pro- ration- With the new pro-ration feature, leaves are calculated on the basis of when the employee has joined. Leave can be configured for a quarter or for a specific custom date range as well. 
  • Timesheet report- You can now generate a timesheet status report that includes comments.
  • Comment at each project level in Plan- With this new update you can add comments at each project level. This update is to make sure that employees are able to add notes for their respective project manager. 
  • Expose description of a leave to employee- The employee will now be able to view the description of the leave category if the HR chooses it. 
  • Add leave policy document as attachment- A leave policy document can be attached in the leave category that the employee will be able to view in order to check the finer points in policies.
  • Paid vs unpaid leave- Each leave category can be marked as paid or unpaid depending on the category. For example, annual leave is a paid leave as opposed to a loss of pay, which could be unpaid.
  • Professional information in the pending invitation state- Now the HR will be able add all the professional level details at the pending invitation stage. This will give them an option to align the information beforehand and be prepared for the new joinee.

May 2022

  • Custom attributes in applicant list- Using our custom attributes feature, you can filter and add or remove columns from the applicant view and keep only the ones you want to see.
  • Personal relationship option in referral- Refer someone you know personally using the "Know them personally" option from the drop down box in the ‘Referrals’  section.
  • Revise Offer approval workflow- If the applicant is in the offered/offer accepted stage and the recruiter wants to update the offer, the whole approval process will  begin from the start, where the applicant goes to Approval pending > Approval accepted > Offered > Offer accepted. 
  • Offer withdrawal- When a candidate is in the offered stage, they can have one of two statuses depending on whether or not the offer letter has been shared with them. But if for some reason you don't want to go ahead with the candidate after having offered him/her the position, then you now have the option to withdraw the offer.
  • Drop out report- The platform's drop-off report has been enhanced. You can now generate the drop off report on the basis of the reject/dropout date and according to the applications created on the platform. 
  • Leave applicability- We've switched to the applicability framework, which works with groups. This provides the ability to create leaves and distribute them to the   appropriate individuals. The leave can be used to support options such as forming a group, distributing it to a few employees, or making it location specific.
  • Approval for salary change- With this new feature when HR revises the salary, it will go for approval. Since there is no approval process setup by default, the HR can go to the advanced settings and set up one if required.  
  • Dynamic Org Filter- peopleHum has now launched its most awaited feature of People Analytics where the HR would be able to define the metrics and filter all the employees in the organization on the basis of these metrics.  
  • Custom Leave Lapse- Want to give a custom expiry to a set of leaves, now you can very well do it on peopleHum. While creating a leave category you can allow a   custom leave expiry for the category.
  • Task view for hierarchy- In “Tasks”, every manager will be able to see a bucket named  “My reportees task”, where he’ll be able to see all the tasks assigned to his team members as well as the pending tasks.
  • Resizing of columns- We have added the ability to resize columns in all the tables of peopleHum. Just hover over the table and pull to resize the same.

April 2022

  • Leave Audit- With leave audit, employees will be able to see the entire history of their leave. Each change is captured thus strengthening the self-serve aspect of the platform. It will help the HR and the employee understand and debug in case of any discrepancy on expected vs actual.
  • Free ATS- peopleHum's AI-driven free Applicant Tracking System (ATS) helps you source, screen, interview & hire great talent faster. Use our customizable job templates, post across job boards, and let our ATS take care of the rest.
  • Changes in Goals- The name of the employees who have used the main goal will be shown along with the ‘Child’ goals in the ‘Parent’ goal section.
  • Changes in Competencies- You can now delete a competency, save a competency in draft, add a scale descriptor and allow a setting for equal weightage for all skills. 
  • Calendar event creation for leaves- peopleHum will automatically block your calendar indicating that you are on a leave so that you don't get booked for a meeting when on leave. 
  • Profile Attribute change with effective date- Any time a change is made to the profile of an employee, you can choose to make it effective from a future date. You can schedule the change for a future date and forget about it or you can make the change right then by just skipping the effective date all together and letting the platform make the change then and there itself.
  • Employees ID- peopleHum has now added the employee ID in the standard reports of peopleHum. We understand that in a lot of organizations an employee is better recognized by their employee ID rather than email ID. 
  • Approvals for change in employee profile attribute- No change in a team can happen without the team lead approving it. Now, the platform gives you the flexibility to set up approvals for any attribute, custom and system alike and make sure that unless it goes through a proper approval channel, no official change is made to the said attributes.
  • Overtime and timesheet integration- The concept of overtime has been added to the platform where you can specify the types of overtime you offer as per the company policy. While filling in the timesheet now, the employee can choose whether the hours entered are within the shift hours or overtime. 
  • Attendance consolidated report-The new attendance report has all the values indicating if the person is on leave, whether it is a holiday or a weekend. It also includes the number of hours that the employee has clocked in for.
  • Multi clock-in and clock-out- Attendance management system at peopleHum now supports multiple Clock-in and clock-outs. The company admin can set up their attendance system as followed in their organisation, for example they will be able to define their total working hours accordingly.
  • Attendance Applicability- The concept of applicability is introduced in attendance. Now on peopleHum a company admin can configure different attendance settings for different Users/Teams/Groups.
  • Reject and dropout option in Hire stage- Once the applicant is hired, you can now reject/dropout them from that stage in case of any failure in background check etc. or the applicant not getting back. 
  • Adding applicability in leave and holiday- You can now use the flexible group service while creating a holiday list or setting up a leave. Create a group that includes all of the fields in the employee profile, such as employment type, level, or any other custom field.

March 2022

  • Approval subtasks in Rules: Build Rules that automatically add Approval subtasks to tasks.
  • Multi-select custom fields in Advanced Search: Now search for tasks using a combination of multi-select custom field values in Advanced Search.
  • Dark mode in Android: This update supports dark mode in your Android system. Enable the dark theme from your system settings.
  • Line charts in Dashboards: Show changes in data over time with Line charts in Dashboards. Get started with charts in Project Dashboards and in Reporting
  • Start times in Timeline view: Task start and end times are now reflected in the project Timeline view. Plan projects with Timeline
  • Zoom in on Proofing: Zoom in on image attachments when leaving feedback with Proofing. Leave actionable feedback with Proofing
  • Session duration in the Admin Console: Session duration will now default to indefinite unless set to 14 days by Super Admins. Learn more about managing session duration in the Admin Console
  • Enterprise Key Management (EKM): Select qualified Enterprise customers now have the option to use their own encryption key on information stored in Asana. Reach out to your sales contact for more information. Read more on scaling Enterprise security and control
  • New Academy course: 6 steps to rolling out Asana sustainably: Learn how to effectively roll out Asana across teams and businesses in this new self-paced course in the Asana Academy. Check out the course

February 2022

  • Goal Library - Get an ecosystem of goal management templates that you can reuse to create, maintain, and manage organizational goals and reduce the effort of creating similar goals every time.
  • Bulk Upload of Salary - Employers now have the option to bulk upload the salary of all employees in the organization in just a few clicks.
  • 4-point scale - A more accurate scale to measure an employee's performance and make your performance strategy specific and impactful.
  • Offer Approval - Automate the approval process with templates and automatic approvals, making it as simple as possible for your candidates to accept.

November 2021

  • Take Hourly Leaves - With peopleHum's hourly leave configuration, your employees now have the ability to request partial-day leaves.
  • Regularise Daily Attendance - You can now change your attendance hours on peopleHum, which will be approved by your team manager. And Voilà! The hours will be processed correctly.
  • Role-based task - A task can be simply assigned to a role, hierarchy or even to a new employee. This allows the admin to have complete flexibility in managing the task.
  • Switch User - You can now login as your employee using the Switch user functionality. When an employee impersonates another user, he or she has access to whatever that user has access to in the system. This is usually used for troubleshooting and testing. An HR Admin can mimic any employee by default.

October 2021

  • Bell Curve customisation - Minimise bias when assessing employee performance, enabling you to grade people fairly.
  • Arabic translation - With state-of-the-art controls in place to continuously review and improve the quality of localization and in-built support for Arabic ‘right-to-left’ scripts, now you can support your employees in local language variations.
  • ‘Goal score’ - new integrated feature in Balance Scorecard- This feature will now lead organizations to think about the key objectives, goals to achieve, and the weightage towards a balanced view towards performance ensuring that every strategic objective has 100% goals aligned.
  • Applicants referral reports - Take a dive into analytics and see how many employee referrals you're getting and how many of them lead to great hires. Manage all your referral applicants, candidates, and hires from one place and make informed decisions.
  • Audit applicant history - Leverage the “audit applicant history” feature to track the applicant status and easily move a rejected candidate back to the screening stage and vice versa.

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