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Employee appreciation - The Art of Creating a Positive Impact
Employee Centricity

Employee appreciation - The Art of Creating a Positive Impact

Aishwarya Sinha Ray
May 7, 2024

-The Art of Creating a Positive Impact

Remember how we used to look at our pre kg teacher to hear that “good boy/ good girl”? Remember how we waited to show our friends the trophy we won? Remember the smile on Mom’s face when your teacher spoke highly of you? Well, we might have grown up, but the happiness which comes out of appreciation and recognition still remains the same. Employee appreciation is the key to enhanced retention rates.

Who doesn’t like a pat on the back or a “job well done”. After all the efforts and stress, imagine the situation of the employees if they feel that they are not being appreciated enough or are not being recognized for their attempts? They will be heartbroken and essentially will lose interest in their job and on the company. 

An employee working without passion is the last thing which a company wants. A happy employee is a productive employee and a productive employee is an asset to the company. 

A reward comes attached to the recognition or as a result of the recognition. It is not necessary that every recognition will come with a reward but every reward will be the result of recognition.

Ways of Employee Appreciation

Rewards and recognition is an effective way of employee appreciation. HR managers who are highly skilled in their job with a degree in HR management often know the importance of talent appreciation since it is one of the modern HR principles that managers should follow. The reward can be monetary or non- monetary. It can be anything from

  • Pay rise
  • Bonus
  • Paid vacation
  • Vouchers
  • Gifts and more.

Recognition, again, can be for

  • Completing a milestone
  • Work anniversary
  • Achieving a target
  • An exemplary performance

Or it might even be because of turning up on time every day. It can be for a purpose as simple as reminding the boss something. However, recognition is recognition and it can make a lot of difference. Employee appreciation in the form of recognition can be verbal, written or even accompanied by a reward.

Why Employee Appreciation? 

As we have seen in the previous blog, one of the major reasons why the top companies in the world is staying at the top is because of the exceptional care which they are giving to their employees. Employee appreciation can impact the company in a positive way. It can boost the image of the company. Let’s take a look at four ways in which employee appreciation can positively impact the company.

1.Employee Experience

A change in perspective is necessary and we should understand that we have come a long way from employee engagement to employee experience. Mundane engagement ideas are a thing of the past and creating and catering a wholesome employee experience has taken over the stage. Delivering an extraordinary work-life will affect your company in all the good ways.

If you succeed to change or influence the way your employees feel about your company in a positive way, then you have succeeded in giving an above par employee experience. This is an indicator that you are in the right direction. Employee appreciation is a good start to create a pleasing employee experience.

2.Employee Happiness

“ A happy employee relates that happiness to customers and vice versa for unhappy ones”-

Anne Hodkin.

A happy employee is an asset to the organization. This will ultimately aim for the betterment of it. It does not mean that they have to have a smile glued on to their face all the time. It is just that they feel motivated and positive about the work that they do.

This will have a direct reflection and can take the company a long way. In the long run, this will help in driving the right talent to the company. Being recognized in front of the whole company or even if it is in person, will definitely lead to employee happiness. Thus by instigating the whole process of retention and attraction. This will lead up to a commendable employee experience as well. The whole process is interlinked.

Related Article: Employee Experience- How To Design A Perfect Employee Experience

3.Employee Morale

The overall outlook, attitude, satisfaction, and confidence that employees feel at work can be collectively called as employee morale. Employee appreciation and recognition can help in boosting this morale factor. The employees will tend to hang around for longer than usual in such cases. People will love an atmosphere which appreciates their presence and what better way to do it than rewards and recognitions.

4.Reduced Absenteeism

Constant absenteeism has been recognized as a symptom of not being valued at work

  • Employees who don’t feel recognized at work are twice as likely to say they intend to quit in the next year, while employees who are recognized are more loyal and engaged.
  • In today’s growing millennial workforce, up to 66 percent of millennials say they would leave a job if they didn’t feel appreciated.


Rewarding and recognizing one employee would motivate the other employees to do a better job. This will ultimately increase the productivity of the company. Employee appreciation can act as an excellent motivation factor and create a positive impact on the whole company. Employee retention will go above and beyond your expectation with these strategies. To know how some of the top companies in the world retain talent, read our previous blog.

We saw that employee appreciation plays a pivotal role in sustaining a company and to control the turn over rate. How do we come up with a good recognition strategy? Don’t worry. Technology is here for your rescue. Human Resources Management Software has skyrocketed and has revolutionized the HR processes and provides ample enough HR solutions. Employee Experience thus becomes an easy nut to tackle.

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Employee appreciation - The Art of Creating a Positive Impact

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