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Introduction to payroll software: What you need to know
Business Automation

Introduction to payroll software: What you need to know

Palak Jamuar
July 17, 2024

It's the end of the month, and your desk is piled high with paperwork. There is a constant hum of payroll calculations, tax deductions, employee leave balances in the air – enough to make anyone's head spin. 

A recent survey revealed a significant number of HR professionals spend over 5 hours per pay period in payroll processing alone. This notable time investment reflects the complexity and labor-intensive nature of traditional payroll systems.
Hence, the role of HR professionals is ever-evolving, significantly influenced by developments in various sectors, especially in India. 

In this blog, we'll dive into how peopleHum payroll can be the ultimate solution that meets the special needs and challenges that we, as CHROs, deal with every day. Before we proceed, let's briefly pause to grasp the essentials of what's entailed in payroll software.

What is payroll software?

Payroll software is a digital tool meticulously designed to automate and simplify the process of paying employees. Imagine you don't have to worry about doing complex math to determine salaries, handle tax deductions, or make payslips from scratch. That's exactly what payroll software does for you. But it doesn't stop there – modern payroll software goes above and beyond.

What are the key functions of a payroll software?

Let's delve into the fundamental functions that make payroll software indispensable. Here functions that serve as the foundation of seamless payroll management and employee satisfaction.

What are the benefits of using an automated payroll software?

Let's delve into the benefits that automated payroll software brings to the forefront:

1. Accuracy boost

Minimizes human errors in payroll calculations and tax withholding

2. Compliance assurance

Ensures strict adherence to tax laws and labor regulations, reducing compliance risks

3. Empowering self-service

Empowers employees to independently access and manage their pay information

4. Robust data-security

Provides state-of-the-art security measures to safeguard sensitive employee data

5. Insightful reporting

Generates comprehensive and insightful reports for informed decision-making

6. Streamlined processes

Simplifies administrative tasks, freeing up HR teams for more strategic initiatives.

7. Historical data

Maintain digital records of past payrolls for reference, audits, or dispute resolution

What are the features to look for in a payroll software?

In the dynamic landscape of business operations, choosing the right payroll software isn't just a choice; it's a strategic move that can save you time, resources, and headaches. Here are the key features your payroll should include.
Tabular format?

Automated payroll processing

The software should automate payroll calculations, tax deductions, and compliance to save time and reduce errors.


Ensure the software can accommodate your company's growth without requiring frequent updates or replacements

Tax Compliance

Ensure the software keeps up-to-date with tax regulations and can handle local, state, and federal tax requirements

Employee Self-Service

Look for self-service portals that allow employees to access pay stubs, tax forms, and update personal information

User-Friendly Interface

An intuitive interface simplifies payroll processing and reduces the learning curve for users

Customizable Permissions

Grant different levels of access to users based on their roles and responsibilities within the organization

Security and Data Privacy

Strong security measures, encryption, and compliance with data protection regulations (like GDPR or HIPAA) are crucial

Time Tracking

Time tracking within payroll software records work hours accurately, reducing errors, ensuring compliance, and optimizing workforce management.

How to choose the right payroll software?

We understand the complexities of your role. Managing a diverse and dynamic workforce in these industries comes with its own set of challenges. From juggling intricate compensation structures to ensuring compliance with constantly evolving tax regulations, payroll management can often feel like a never-ending uphill battle. It's essential to have the right tools and support to navigate these challenges effectively. Let’s explore how you can choose the right payroll software tailored to your needs.

1. Transparency in numbers and calculations

Your role requires precise and transparent handling of all HR aspects, particularly payroll. peopleHum payroll provides instant insight into every calculation, deduction, and tax detail. This transparency pertains to the disclosure and clear presentation of how payroll amounts are computed, including wages, deductions, taxes, and any additional components, enabling employees to easily understand and verify the accuracy of their payments.

2. Easy and flexible

Adaptability is crucial in your varied workplace. Whether it's a tech startup, a logistics company, or an entertainment business, peopleHum payroll offers the flexibility needed to customize the payroll process to fit your specific organizational needs. From intricate pay structures to diverse benefits, our software manages it effortlessly, making payroll management a breeze.

3. Zero errors

Integrating a seamless system with smart automation is the key to an error-free payroll management. These systems modernize payroll by reducing manual work. They automatically handle tasks like data entry and calculations, minimizing the chance of errors. peopleHum’s precision boosts efficiency, ensures compliance, and keeps employees satisfied. Error-free payroll not only streamlines operations but also builds trust in the system's accuracy, enhancing confidence within the organization. It's a game-changing approach that empowers HR departments to deliver flawless payroll, saving time and resources along the way.

4. Trusted, intelligent, and time-saving

As a CHRO, every minute counts. peopleHum payroll utilizes AI and machine learning to smartly handle payroll processes, giving you the freedom to concentrate on key HR strategies. Allow the software to handle the detailed calculations, enabling you to advance your HR objectives.

5. Feature-rich and user-centric design

The user experience is important, both for your HR staff and the employees they support. peopleHum payroll offers an easy-to-use interface with comprehensive features, improving the payroll process for all participants. It combines ease of use with effective functionality.

6. Backed by friendly and always available service and support

We know how crucial support is. Our committed support team is on hand around the clock to help with any payroll questions or problems you might have. You can relax knowing you've got a dependable partner to turn to for help anytime.

7. Value-based payroll processing

In a time when values are key, peopleHum payroll does more than just crunch numbers. It matches up with your company's values and objectives, be it sustainability, fairness, or employee health. Demonstrate your dedication through how you handle payroll.


1. How is my pay calculated?

Your pay, whether you're salaried or hourly, depends on a fixed amount or the hours you've worked in a pay period. A paycheck calculator assists in computing net pay and payroll taxes accurately.

2. How often will I be paid?

Companies typically process payroll on a weekly, bi-monthly, semi-monthly, or monthly basis. Employees usually receive payments through direct deposit or physical checks. The speed of the employee's bank processing can affect when the funds become available.

3. Can payroll software handle international payroll processing for global businesses?

Yes, payroll software can handle international payroll processing for global businesses. It's equipped to manage various currencies, tax regulations, and compliance requirements across multiple countries, making it a valuable tool for organizations with a global workforce, ensuring accurate and efficient payroll operations on a global scale.

4.  How does payroll software streamline HR and accounting processes?

Payroll software simplifies HR and accounting tasks by automating salary calculations, tax deductions, and compliance checks. It seamlessly connects with HR systems, cutting down on repetitive data entry. This boosts accuracy, saves time, and guarantees adherence to tax regulations and reporting needs, making HR and accounting more efficient.

5. What are the security measures in place for protecting payroll data in software?

Payroll software employs robust security measures like data encryption, access controls, user authentication, and regular software updates. It ensures that sensitive payroll data is safeguarded against unauthorized access, breaches, or data theft, maintaining data integrity and confidentiality.

6. Can payroll software handle international payroll processing for global businesses?

Yes, payroll software can manage international payroll processing for global businesses. It adapts to various currencies, tax regulations, and compliance requirements across multiple countries, ensuring accurate and efficient payroll operations on a global scale.

Final thoughts…

To sum it up, payroll software is not just an option; it's a must-have in today's business world. It serves as the linchpin for ensuring seamless payroll processing, precision, and ultimately, employee satisfaction.

As a CHRO at the helm of your organization, you're in a prime position to redefine HR's future. Transform payroll management from a routine chore into a strategic asset with peopleHum payroll. Embrace this transformative journey, where every hurdle is a stepping stone to success.

Click here to see how peopleHum payroll can innovate your payroll management. Learn about our approach to empowering you to prioritize what's most important—your people, your organizational values, and your vision for what's ahead. Experience the future of payroll, tailor-made for visionary CHROs like yourself. 

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