Post Body
We are looking for a Production Artist to manage creative projects, ensuring they meet clients’ requirements. Your role will be to take on designs during the final stages of development to ensure accuracy and prepare them for print or digital publication. To be successful in this position, you should combine strong creative and technical skills to format various images and illustrations. You should also have an eye for detail and project management experience.
Using peopleHum's free trial account, you can post your job ad for free to multiple job boards including Indeed, LinkedIn, Google, Glassdoor, Facebook and more for 14 days.
You can try peopleHum for free for 14 days. After 14 days, the links to your job openings will expire, but you’ll still be able to access your peopleHum account to see all of the candidates who applied. If you want to keep your job live, you can get in touch with us here.
peopleHum allows you to share your job links to multiple job boards! Once candidates are rolling in, peopleHum provides you with all of the advanced tools you need to screen, schedule, evaluate and select the best candidate for your job.