HR Reports

What is HR reports?

The HR dashboard and HR reports are important parts of managing human resources. The two tools are an HR revelation and the fundamentals of educated basic leadership. Why? Since it is difficult to settle on educated choices when HR colleagues and different partners need knowledge into their own association. 

Generally, a HR report is a diagnostic strategy used to show HR related details, experiences, and measurements, with the main role of improving workforce execution, enrolling techniques, and other important HR forms with the assistance of HR dashboard reports. 

There are different KPI models, yet by working with HR-driven measurements, it's possible to spot patterns, distinguish wasteful aspects, profit by qualities, and brace shortcomings in various key regions, putting forth your HR attempts, exercises, and activities as well as can be expected potentially be for divisions over the association.

What are the 3 functions of the Human Resources Report?

HR reports on the workforce is one of HR’s essential tasks. When done right, it offers three key benefits for both HR and management:

HR Monitoring.

Normal announcing empowers HR to keep a finger on the beat of the associations by following key workforce management measurements. New patterns and openings can be spotted at an early stage and rising issues can be tended to before they essentially sway the business.

Management information.

A HR reports can likewise help administrators in carrying out their responsibility better. A HR reports can advise administrators about pertinent improvements in their groups and division. When, for instance, the showcasing division battles with high turnover rate and a high time-to-enlist, directors will be bound to put accentuation on holding workers and will know about dangers like longer substitution times when somebody is going to leave.

Track problem areas.

HR reports likewise offers an extraordinary method to follow key issue territories in a straightforward manner. Straightforwardness in turnover rates per chief will urge them to give nearer consideration to holding workers in light of the fact that their own notoriety is on the line! By following issue zones, HR can use its situation to drive upgrades.

What are the types of HR Reports? 

Here is a list of the various types of HR reports that are available.

  1. Employee report- This report includes information such as employee demographics like the a number of employees, employee satisfaction rates, male to female ratios, revenue per employee and much more.
  2. Performance report- This type of reporting, helps measure productivity, peer reviews, training objectives, hours worked, performance of the employees and whether it's adding to the growth of an individual as well as an organization, etc. These reports help determine how well a company is functioning and whether its goals and objectives are being met.
  3. Recruitment report- While making recruitment reports one must consider the average time to hire, average cost per employee and also the diversity of the recruitment process. These reports help you find the best candidate for the job. 
  4. Attendance report-  The attendance report helps the employer to understand employee attendance, personal leaves, sick leaves, times an employee chose work from home and record of the days an employee didn't provide prior notice. The data you collect can assist in developing a plan for managing absence. 
  5. Turnover and retention reports- Every company should keep track of employees' exit and the reason behind them. While making reports on turnover rates, you can identify internal issues that can be addressed to enhance satisfaction and retention rates. It can help in givingng solutions as to how to keep an employee happy in their workplace and not lose on the organizations best talents.
  6. Training and development- If an organization wants to succeed they must make sure that proper training and development must be given to an employee. It helps keep track of the number of employees undergoing training, cost spent on the training programs and  the development rates in an organization.

How to create a Human Resource Report?

Before you start to create your HR reports, there are a few considerations to be made about the ‘how’ and ‘when’.

Automated vs. manual

A great deal of associations despite everything work with specially appointed information reports. For instance, when an administrator or chief needs to know something about the association's workforce planning, they request that HR send them a report. After this solicitation, the HR information office will stay at work past 40 hours to deliver this report. This is a case of (wasteful and) responsive revealing. HR reports ought to be conveyed (pro)actively and should, along these lines, be robotized.

Static vs. dashboard

In accordance with the past point, there's as yet a considerable lot of associations that work with manual/paper reports. This isn't really awful: When the data isn't inclined to change, paper reports can be very compelling.

What are the Metrics in an HR reports?

There are a few significant measurements that should be remembered for a HR report. Note that a large portion of them are significant level measurements as they give an authoritative diagram. We've distributed various arrangements of HR Metrics, including enlistment measurements and execution measurements on this stage. These can be utilised for particular HR dashboard reports. The most well-known HR measurements that are being accounted for on, include:

  1. HR Analytics
  2. Certificate Program
  3. Seniority
  4. Sex: Common distinction often used for diversity purposes (see the example HR dashboard below)
  5. Age: Age is becoming increasingly important in today’s aging workforce. Age is often a key focus point for organizations that want to innovate and reorganize.
  6. Education level: Educational level should only be included when available and when relevant for the overarching goals of the organization. Otherwise, it runs the risk of being a ‘vanity metric’ in the HR reports.
  7. Function type: A metric like function type or function clusters might help to distinguish different groups within the company. An example could be top management, middle management, production personnel, and support staff.
  8. FTE: A Full-Time Equivalent is the hours worked by one employee on a full-time basis. The number of FTE is often lower than the number of total employees. This holds especially true if there are a lot of part-time workers present in the organization.
  9. FTE provides an accurate measure of the total workload in the organization. In addition, people who work less than 1 FTE can be considered part-time workers.
  10. Employees Active: This metrics represents the number of employees working at the organization.
  11. Turnover: This metric represents the number and/or percentage of employees who left in the previous period. Read here how to calculate employee turnover.
  12. New hires: This metric represents the number and/or percentage of new employees who joined the organization within the last year.
  13. Absence: This metric represents the percentage of time that employees were absent in the previous period on average. Another representation of this number is the total days of absence per employee.
  14. Cost of absence: This metric is not a standard metric but it can make the previously mentioned absence rate more tangible by attaching it to a financial number.
  15. Cost of labor: Labor cost is the total amount of money that an organization pays to its workforce. This number includes employee benefits and payroll taxes. The cost of labor can be split up into direct or indirect costs. Direct costs are the labor costs associated with people who contribute to the primary process (an assembly line worker). Indirect costs cannot be traced to a specific level of production (a security person guarding the factory).
  16. Training cost: Training cost represents the total amount that a company spends on training new hires and the existing workforce.
  17. Recruitment cost: The total cost of recruitment efforts, often includes the costs of external agencies, advertisement and, sometimes, lost productivity. Entire books have been written on how to calculate this number. Read for more information here.
  18. Time to fill: We’ve already touched upon time to fill. It’s the number of days between a position opening up and a candidate accepting that position. This metric will vary significantly between job types: software developers, big data analysts, and highly qualified salespeople are much harder to find than entry-level marketers for example.

What are the HR reporting pitfalls?

There are several pitfalls in regards to HR reporting. It’s important to address these as they will prevent you from getting trapped in a never-ending reporting cycle.

Automate your HR reporting:

Try not to attempt to create each report physically. This is exceptionally wasteful and will deplete the limit of your HR information office. All reports portrayed right now effectively be computerized and auto-produced.

Provide relevant information:

If you can satisfy 80% of the people with 20% of the data, that is most likely the best solution. Making an overly complicated dashboard and providing details about immaterial information may result in low commitment to the reports or dashboards and, as a result, reduce the effect.

HR information is grimy, and there will be botches in your HR reports. Fix those missteps in the source frameworks and make a point to assist with making systems that are useful in the exact contribution of information.

Why Do You Need HR Reports?

In the age of information, HR reports are powerful tools.

It’s clear that a human resources report is critical if you want your HR department to thrive our data-rich age. To put this into perspective, here are 6 primary reasons why you should embrace the power of human resource reports:

  1. Identify problem areas: HR reports provide a great way to track issues in an analysis-driven, transparent method. Managers and other business professionals are able to determine turnover rates per manager and pay close attention to employee retention strategy efforts, and HR departments can leverage the information to define and implement improvements.
  2. Manage information: a monthly or an annual HR reports template will provide in-depth insights on the ongoing developments within various teams and departments. This can include an indication of risks, such as an abnormally long replacement time period when an employee is about to leave the business.
  3. HR monitoring: Businesses can follow critical metrics within their workforce and discover trends and opportunities during the early stages. Also, problems can be handled before they negatively affect the organization.
  4. Effective planning: HR reporting is an exemplary way to plan strategies and initiatives in areas from recruitment to employee engagement and beyond by painting a clear, data-driven picture that will ultimately allow you to make informed decisions that yield real long-term results.
  5. Predictive forecasting: Building on the previous point, HR reporting also offers a viable means of predictive forecasting through the analysis of digestible data that aligns with both your business’s short-term and long-term goals. If you’re able to make accurate, informed decisions backed by quality visual data, you will perform better – it’s that simple.
  6. Enhanced communication: The flexible user-friendly nature of HR monthly reports or annual HR reports means that everyone working both within and outside your human resources department will be able to extract value from the data before them, and if required, access a live dashboard from a number of devices or media 24/7. This, in turn, will improve communication throughout the organization.

What is Report bursting?

Report bursting is a process of delivering a single report to multiple recipients with different data subsets or filters based on predefined criteria. Instead of manually creating and sending individual reports to each recipient, report bursting automatically generates and distributes personalized reports to a group of users or stakeholders, based on their specific needs or preferences.

Report bursting is commonly used in business intelligence and data analytics to distribute reports to different departments, teams, or clients, based on their specific needs or interests. For example, a sales manager may receive a report on sales performance by region, while a marketing manager may receive a report on customer behavior by demographic segment. Report bursting can help streamline report distribution, increase efficiency, and provide stakeholders with relevant, actionable insights.


Preparing accurate HR reports is critical for improving and simplifying the process of managing the organization's staff. A poor HR reports may deceive the human resources department, causing a blunder for the entire firm. As a result, the HR manager should ensure the credibility of the HR reports by scrutinising the various loopholes.

To streamline this process and enhance accuracy, organizations can leverage advanced HR software solutions. Automated human resource management software, such as PeopleHum, can simplify report generation and analysis, reducing the likelihood of errors. By incorporating technology into HR processes, businesses can improve efficiency and ensure the integrity of their reports, ultimately driving better decision-making and organizational success.

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