Work Behaviour

What is Work Behaviour?

Work behaviour is a behaviour that an employee possess in the workplace and more formal than other sorts of human behaviour. This varies by profession, with some being significantly more casual than others. A computer programmer, for example, would often have significantly more flexibility in their work behaviour than a lawyer. Wikipedia

What are the types of work behaviour?

1. Leadership-driven behaviour

A workplace leader is a member of the team who takes on responsibilities and offers to assist. These people are usually focused on their successes and project goals. It's critical to evaluate how the natural leaders in your company communicate with the rest of the team.

2. Creative behaviour

Some team members with strong creative thinking skills can come up with answers to situations that appear to be insurmountable. These people enjoy coming up with new ideas.

3. Distancing behaviour

Some team members may be isolationists who prefer to work alone and thrive at project management on their own. You can encourage an isolating team member to try new things and fulfil deliverables with the help of other team members as a manager.

4. People-pleasing behaviour

People pleasers avoid workplace conflict by focusing on developing relationships with others. They want everyone to like them and to always be upbeat. They frequently volunteer to take on more work responsibilities.

5. Playful behaviour

Some team members may be playful at work and primarily concerned with having a good time. These people's sense of humour can inspire their coworkers to love their jobs more and perform better. To promote team cohesion, one technique to handle playful team members is to ensure that the team participates in team-building and other playful activities.

6. Introverted behaviour

Quiet and preferring to work alone, an introverted team member. When given a precise list of chores to fulfil, they perform well. To manage introverted people, encourage them to collaborate with others and provide them precise directions for the work they must perform. It's also a good idea to assign children projects that they can complete on their own because they often require time.

7. Aggressive behaviour

To achieve their personal demands, an aggressive team member engages in unanticipated actions of rage or intimidation. Aggressive conduct can be effective in certain contexts, such as during emergencies or situations requiring swift decision-making.

8. Assertive behaviour

Assertive team members appropriately convey their workplace feelings and desires. Their communication is straightforward, and they respect the ideas and rights of both the communicator and the recipient. Assertive communication helps to keep relationships together and usually leads to a compromise between the parties.

9. Passive communication behaviour

To keep everyone happy, passive communicators choose not to convey their workplace thoughts or sentiments to others. Passive communication can be beneficial in certain situations, such as when emotions are high. Schedule due dates ahead of time when managing a passive team member to ensure they have enough time to fulfil their job.

10. Passive-aggressive behaviour

Team members that are passive-aggressive combine elements of both passive and aggressive communication styles. Individuals may appear passive, but they are actually acting out their anger in indirect ways, such as delaying work completion.

What are the factors affecting work behaviour:

1) Job factor

2) Organizational factor

3) Individual factor

Organizational Factors

Individual behaviour is influenced by a wide range of resources and organisational structures, which include:

1. Physical Facilities

The physical environment at work is defined as an arrangement of good people and things that have the potential to impact others. Cleanliness, light, ventilation, noise level, sort of job, number of people working, and other elements all have an impact on an individual's behaviour.

2. Structure and Design

The structure and design of the organisation is directly related to how each department is set up. The place in which a person can completely fit in the entire organisational structure has a direct impact on their performance and behaviour.

3. Leadership

The organization's management establishes a leadership framework so that appropriate support, counsel, guidance, direction, and coaching may be provided to individuals. Each employee's behaviour at work is impacted to a considerable extent by the behaviour of the same organization's executives or superiors. Leaders' actions is more significant than their qualities.

4. Incentive System

The reward system designed by the organisation has a direct impact on individual performance and conduct in order for employees to be able to compensate.

Individual Factors

Individual factors that can impact an individual's behaviour are further divided into two categories: biographic and learned traits.

5. Experience

An employee's duration or experience plays a crucial impact in the organisation. Work experience is also regarded as a positive indication that contributes to increased productivity through increased efficiency and effectiveness. The performance of the job and seniority have a good link. Due to the seniority aspect, it generates a lot of curiosity and misunderstandings. Employee turnover is also viewed as a negative factor when compared to seniority.

6. Personality

A person's personality is not just determined by their physical appearance. A person with a nice personality has an educated demeanour, a kind demeanour, and a charming demeanour. This idea is considered dynamic because it describes a person's psychological system's growth and development. Persistence, dominance, aggressiveness, and other attributes that are reflected in a person's behaviour within the organisation are also referred to as personal traits or characteristics.

7. Perception

Perception is a point of view that aids in the understanding of a situation. It is also seen to be the process through which information enters people's minds and takes on a sensible meaning for the entire world.

8. Values

Values are a type of global belief that guides diverse judgments and actions in a variety of situations. It is a person's notion based on the correct, good, and desirable viewpoints. It is deeply ingrained in people's personalities, which can be shown in their actions. Furthermore, most of the time, values are directly influenced by instructors, parents, friends, and a variety of other external circumstances that completely alter a person's views, attitudes, and thoughts. Values play a big role in how an organisation behaves. It aids in the comprehension of an individual's motivation and attitude, as well as the influences of their perceptions or point of view.

Job-related factors

9. Employment level

Individual conduct is directly influenced by the work alternatives available to them. Even if the individual is dissatisfied with his or her job, he or she must remain in it because there are less job choices for him or her. In such instances, it is critical that they remain loyal to the firm in order to increase productivity; they are only staying with the company because of the monetary rewards it offers.

10. Salary Rates

Every employee is primarily concerned with the compensation package provided by the company or organisation. The monetary terms from the company have a direct impact on the decision of a worker or employee.

How does behaviour affect work performance?

Your disposition, mood and feelings impact everything from your ability to make effective decisions to the level of your creativity and ability to work well with others. Inconsiderate behaviors such as rudeness and gossiping also interrupt the smooth flow of the workplace. Your behavior may even affect whether you keep your job. Transferring feelings to workplace behaviors affects your work performance and behaviour

1. Happiness

Businesses are beginning to direct attention to happiness as a workplace issue and are developing management strategies to create a happier work environment, notes Wharton University professor Sigal Barsade. When you arrive at work with a positive attitude, you generally are more creative and tolerant of others; you aren't so defensive and create conflicts among your coworkers or subordinates. When employees are happy, everything from sales to production flow more smoothly and effectively. An enjoyable workplace lowers stress, increases morale and creates camaraderie.

2. Rudeness

You can observe many forms of rudeness at work. Interruptions are rarely life or death, yet many of your fellow employees may feel that no matter what you are doing, what they have to say is more important. Simple words like “please” and “thank you” often are left unsaid in the workplace. Employees may have the attitude that someone else is going to clean up after them in the break room kitchen. Rudeness at work can lower productivity and lead to mistakes and conflicts, explains Jennifer A. Bunk, a West Chester University professor and member of the Society of Industrial & Organizational Psychology. Rudeness not only makes for an unpleasant work environment, but it also harms productivity and decreases job satisfaction

3. Gossip

One of the most difficult habits to break is gossiping about your fellow employees. Besides the obvious drain on productivity, gossip increases conflict, undermines your team’s performance, decreases morale and promotes miscommunications. When conflicts ensue, employees take sides or refuse to work with each other. Gossip breaks down trust, which eventually erodes your workplace energy and hinders your success.

4. Bullying

The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries says bullying is an act of intimidation designed to humiliate or undermine another. Bullying not only affects work performance, it also can put employees at serious risk for their safety. Bullies are driven by a need to control and to abuse or misuse power. Victims of bullying may experience physical and mental health problems from reduced self-esteem, sleep deprivation and digestive disturbances. The behavior can lead to accumulated absences and even post-traumatic stress disorder.

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