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How did peopleHum help VideoVerse champion global team management and employee engagement?
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How did peopleHum help VideoVerse champion global team management and employee engagement?

Remita Dsouza
June 14, 2024

Q: How did you discover peopleHum?

I lead the entire people strategy function and it's been a little over a year. One of my primary tasks, after I came in, was to kind of get a system that works well for the organization, right? So now there were a couple of challenges. One is that we work across multiple geographies. So we wanted something, a system that will appeal to people across all geographies, right? So, a system that is fairly easy to use a system that has the capability to kind of put in the holiday list across various geographies. A system that has the capability to have various time zones,etc. These are some of the stuff that we were looking at while we were kind of evaluating which hr system to kind of go for and we did kind of evaluate 4 to 5 systems and I think peopleHum came out as both cost-effective as well as a system that can be used to engage our employees. Yeah. So that's what, that's how we kind of arrived at peopleHum.

Q: What features or aspects of peopleHum do you find most valuable for your organization?

Yeah, absolutely. Even so, for something as basic as attendance management. PeopleHum has the flexibility of giving me different options in different locations. So for example, in Bombay, we work out of the office and we have an access card system. Right. So it's fairly easy to integrate that access card system into peopleHum and then that makes life easier for everybody who comes to office because then they don't have to kind of clock-in and clock out for people who are outside the office, then they have the option of clocking in and clock out. The best part is doing this entire bit from the back end is fairly easy. Right? I don't have to kind of rack my brains to try and figure out how to kind of get this done. It's fairly easy from the back end. If you understand it the first time, then, you can go and do it easily the next time. That's one thing and also data management is fairly easy. So, it's as simple as getting an upload done and a lot of things can be updated easily. Yeah, basically these are from an operation perspective and then of course, hiring is pretty easy. We use the hiring module as well. So the entire candidate management process felt easy because of it, it gets easily integrated with our career page which has helped us to get a lot of CV’s that would otherwise be sent to various mailboxes. That has helped us to kind of consolidate all those CV’s into peopleHum platform from a hiring manager perspective, also, it's fairly easy for them to kind of update their status, add in their details, etc and usually while hiring, one of the challenges of implementing an ATS is the acceptability that you have to get from the hiring managers, right? Because they don't tend to go to the system and add details, etc, but it's fairly simple here. PeopleHum kind of actively does it. So that's another bit.

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Q: How has peopleHum impacted your company culture and employee experience?

There are many, one is, of course, the recognition platform, right? The instant recognition platform which our employees have been using very frequently and comes out as a surprise because we don't even push them. There's no campaign that we run to kind of get more recognition on the platform. It's just that they like really long notes to appreciate their colleagues, etc. So that's, come out pretty well because then people across the globe kind of know that there's a culture of appreciation that gets created because people know that, I'm appreciating someone and putting it on, taking the effort to kind of take the time out and put it on to the system. So that's one that has kind of helped us bring in some of those people together, right? Because, they read those commands, they know who are the top performers or what are they doing differently, etc.

Q: How would you describe your employees’ experience with peopleHum?

See, honestly speaking, I did not have to take a lot of effort, right? One is because, by default, they had to come to register the attendance, of course. But even after kind of using the access module, right, where they just punch in and their attendance gets registered, we've seen people very active on peopleHum because the interface is fairly simple. We put in a lot of our company announcements there. We use that extensively to kind of wish people on their birthday, work anniversaries, etc, right? So a lot of people are glued in because they get a lot of information from, from people. So it's like one source of truth. A lot of information goes on to it that people can easily come and access. So that way it's been, it's been fairly easy for us. I would say that adoption at the moment is as in fairly 95% people are on the site, right? So some of them, of course, because they are either travelling or not regularly involved in a lot of work. But, for them also, the app works pretty fine. So that way, that is again helpful because the app is also, it's pretty seamless, pretty, user friendly. you don't have to kind of do a lot of checks for navigation, etc.

Q. Would you recommend peopleHum to other businesses? If yes, why?

See, overall, the ease of use is great both as an admin and as a user, right? So for me to kind of update multiple holiday lists is fairly easy for me as an employee, log into the system and register my attendance and check where the holiday is, and what my attendance is. All that is fairly easy. And those are some of the pain points that a lot of organizations struggle with, right? So either the interfaces are so boring that people don't get on to the system or the navigation is so difficult that people usually don't kind of avoid using the system, etc, right? So all those pain points are clearly addressed here, right? Where it's fairly easy for me to check where it is. Another feature that is really helpful is that it helps me store all important links, right? Important links, important documents, right? So earlier, we used to struggle with how, how does someone get to know about the policy because every time I might have to send an email to someone right now, as soon as someone joins in the policy is already uploaded onto the peopleHum portal, right? So they just have to read it, similarly all external links, right? So for example, we use Razor Pay for reimbursement. So we've put that link there. So it's like a one stop shop for all our employees, right? So they know even if they forget the link, they know that it's on people, they just have to log in to people and go to that section. So that it's, it's fairly easy has been very very, very helpful for us to kind of manage a lot of things.

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