Welcome to the newest version of our product update, October 2021! We are happy to announce that peopleHum has added some exciting new features in this month. Here’s a short round up on what’s new at the Global Winner of Best HCM platform.
October 2021 product updates:
1. Bell Curve customisation
You spoke, we listened. Bell curve customisation is now available!
How it works:
With a traditional bell curve system, you may recognise the top performers only from a smaller section of the team because their goals and targets were easier compared to other teams. The new update of bell curve customisation will minimise the biases when assessing employees, forcing you to grade people fairly.
- Ensure all employees in the organization are rated uniformly.
- Add and define bell curve custom settings for either everyone, a particular team or a job role.
- Set a minimum and maximum score as an estimate for your team.
- Add a message or instruction as per the employee performance for the set period.
- Identify and retain your top performers.
- Benefit from smooth employee recognition with real-time insights.

2. Arabic translation
We’re especially excited to talk about this one. peopleHum is now fluent in Arabic!
With state-of-the-art controls in place to continuously review and improve the quality of localization and in-built support for Arabic ‘right-to-left’ scripts, now you can support your employees in local language variations.
How it works:
To choose a language preference, simply select the ‘Change language’ option under your profile picture. Select the most preferred language for your dynamic, ever-changing, global workforce.

3. ‘Goal score’- new integrated feature in Balance Scorecard
The ‘goal score’ approach in balance scorecard will now lead organization to think about the key objectives, goals to achieve, and the weightage towards a balanced view towards performance.
How it works:
The balanced score card will now ensure that every strategic objective has 100% goals aligned. This can be done by simply breaking down high priority strategies i.e., assigning the highest percentage to the most prioritised goal.
Example: If your organisation’s current strategic focus is to improve sales growth, increase marketing campaign success and reduce energy consumption, you may breakdown the goals by giving 70% to improve sales growth, 20% to increase marketing campaign success and 10% reduce energy consumption, depending upon your priority.
Previous to this update, the strategic goals need not have goals that sum to 100%. In effect, a strategic objective with 30% goals assigned would cause imbalance compared to a strategic objective with 100% goals assigned – as one of the strategic objectives has all the necessary goals defined that would make the objective successful. With just 30% goals assigned, a strategic objective may not meet your organization needs.
- Better communication with respect to what employees are aiming to achieve.
- Better strategic planning
- Alignment between employee's day-to-day work with the overall strategy.
- An analytical list of the most important strategies
- A significant focus on goal alignment to lead an effective employee performance management plan.

4. Applicants referral reports
Referral reports are introduced for HR professionals to understand how many applicants are internal referrals and their application status. Organizations would also have referral bonus and this report helps HRs to know how much bonuses have to be paid.
How it works:
Go to the ‘Analytics’ module, click on ‘Hire’, choose ‘Referral Reports’, enter the time range within which you need a report for and click on the ‘Generate’ button to view all the incoming referrals.
- Highly feasible add-on for managers who offer referral bonus.
- Helps in identifying and promoting referral programs within your organisation.
- Improves the quality of candidates who apply, increases retention (top employees stay with the organisation longer), decreasing hiring time and expenses.
- Easy download of the automated report at the end of the month.

5. Audit applicant history
The task of tracking every other job applicant and their status in the recruitment funnel may get overwhelming. You can now leverage the “audit applicant history” feature of peopleHum to track the applicant status and revert a rejected candidate back to the screening stage and vice versa.
How it works:
You can go to the sub-section of Audit Applicant History of a candidate. Here, you can take a glimpse at their status in the hiring process, and view approvals of the recruiters & hiring team members, involved in the recruitment of that particular candidate. (All in a one-view integration)
- Track applicant status
- Revert the candidate to any desired recruitment stage (I.e., proceed a reject back to the screening stage and vice versa)
- View the assigned recruiters and their approvals at each hiring stage
- Benefit from the rapid actions on the applicant, such as “Accept”, “Reject”, “Drop off”, “Send for screening”, and much more.

All these features will help your organization level up its HR management strategies and provide a great experience to your employees. Give these features a try and let us know your favorite feature in the Comments below! If you have any questions regarding these features, drop us an email to connect@peoplehum.com.