Behavioral Competency

What is Behavioral Competency?

Behavioral competencies are the specific skills required for a person to be successful in a specific job. Communication skills, problem-solving skills, and teamwork abilities are examples of such abilities. An employer will typically conduct a job analysis to identify the behavioural competencies required for a specific job. This includes interviewing employees who are currently or have previously held the position, as well as reviewing the job duties and responsibilities.

What are behavioral indicators? 

A behavioural indicator is an observable behaviour that demonstrates a candidate's competency in a specific area. When a new hire successfully pivots on a strategy after being hit with a curveball, you know they are adaptable.

What are the benefits of using behavioral competency? 

There are numerous advantages to utilising behavioural competency in the workplace:

1. For starters, behavioural competency enables employers to identify and assess their employees' skills and abilities. This data can then be used to identify training and development requirements, as well as to set performance goals and objectives.

2. Employers can also use behavioural competency to identify potential leaders and develop succession plans.

3. Behavioral competency can also be used to assess employee performance and provide feedback to employees.

4. Finally, behavioural competency can assist employers in identifying and correcting problematic behaviours.

What are the 8 Behavioral Competencies? 

1. Leadership & Navigation

2. Ethical practice

3. Business acumen

4. Relationship management

5. Consultation

6. Critical evaluation

7. Global & Cultural effectiveness

8. Communication

How do you appraise and assess behavioral competency? 

Your company should create measurable behavioral competency models in order to properly assess behavioural competencies.

Competency models are a collection of abilities that employees must demonstrate in order to complete their tasks effectively. Each competency will typically include a description that explains what it means to possess that competency.

Once you've established a competency model, you can use it for behavioural competency assessments in three ways:

1. Self-Assessment:

This is an excellent method for allowing your employees to rate themselves against the company standard. It allows an employee to reflect on their performance and consider ways to improve. However, self-assessments should never be used in isolation; at least one of the two methods listed below should be used in conjunction with them to provide a complete picture of an employee's competency.

2. Manager Assessment: 

These evaluations should not be based solely on the manager's biassed opinion. Rather, manager evaluations should be based on months of observation. One method is to have the employee complete a project that directly relates to their behavioral competency. Once that project is completed, the manager will be able to make an objective assessment of how the employee demonstrated the competency in question. For entry-level recruits, this is generally good practise.

3. Peer Assessment:

Employees may be approached to provide feedback to their coworkers. They could simply assign a rating to the employee in question based on the company standard established in the behavioral competency model.

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