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How to Choose the Right Recruitment Management System
Hiring and Recruitment

How to Choose the Right Recruitment Management System

Sharon Monteiro
August 20, 2024

Recruitment used to be HR's headache, but here's the plot twist: recruitment systems and applicant trackers are the new heroes. In the era of hybrid recruiting, it's not just handshakes; it's a tech-powered revolution.

What is a Recruitment Management System (RMS)?

Navigating the vast sea of recruitment tools and resources can be a real challenge. So, let's break it down from square one: What's a Recruitment Management System (RMS)? It's your trusty toolkit, purpose-built to ace the hiring game.

Recruiting isn't just a time-sink; it's a fierce battleground. The hunt for top talent is pushing organizations towards smart, tech-driven recruiting systems. Say goodbye to gut feelings in hiring – it's all about making savvy choices in this competitive arena.

Now, here's the key: a Recruitment Management System doesn't just follow the standard playbook. It automates the routine of recruitment and supplements the ROI of ATS. While the ATS deals with job postings and applications, the RMS steps up. It automates the tedious tasks, enhances HR-candidate interactions, and guarantees the ideal alignment between talent and their dream job. It's the secret ingredient to winning the recruitment game.

Also Read: The Truth About Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Three principles of recruitment

Purposeful strategy:
Define your recruitment goals and strategies clearly. What roles do you need? How do they align with your company's vision? Having a purposeful strategy sets the stage for success.

Proactive engagement:
Imagine fishing in a vast ocean. You need the right bait and a keen eye. In recruitment, that's proactive engagement. Seek out top talent even before you need them. Build relationships, attend industry events, and keep an eye on emerging talent.

Performance metrics:
You need stats to measure success. Establish key performance metrics to evaluate your recruitment efforts. Are you getting quality hires? How long does it take? Use data to fine-tune your process for continuous improvement.

7 steps of the recruitment process

1. Planning

Identifying the need: Determine the need for a new employee or position based on business requirements, expansion, or replacement

2. Analysis

Job analysis and description: Define the job role, responsibilities, qualifications, and skills required. Create a job description and specification

3. Sourcing candidates:

Draw in potential candidates using different methods like posting job listings, employee referrals, hiring agencies, job fairs, and social media.

4. Screening and shortlisting

Examine resumes and applications to find qualified candidates. Then, conduct initial phone screenings or interviews to select potential hires.

5. Interviewing

Hold comprehensive interviews to evaluate candidates' skills, experience, and fit with the company culture. This may include multiple interview rounds.

6. Selection:

Select the top candidate for the job, conduct background and reference checks, and handle salary and benefit discussions if needed.

7. Onboarding: Extend the job offer with terms explained. After acceptance, support onboarding, including paperwork, training, and integration.

Top 5 Benefits of a Recruitment Management System

1. Improves recruitment productivity

Traditional recruiting ties recruiters to offices or cumbersome paperwork, hampering productivity and inviting errors.. 

2. Better communication and efficiency

In recruitment, time is crucial. Quick responses and smooth communication with HR and candidates are a must. If you delay, you might lose great talent. A hiring management system speeds things up, helps teams work together, keeps candidates informed, and cuts down on waiting time.

3. Streamlines candidate data

Imagine reviewing, storing, and structuring hordes of candidate information manually and on paper. Not only is it time-consuming, but it is also wasteful of HR’s resources. With an online recruitment software, recruiters can digitally store candidate data and also easily retrieve the relevant information.

4. Automates the recruiting process

The perks of a recruitment management system are crystal clear, but let's spell them out anyway. Opting for recruitment management software takes the drudgery out of manual tasks through automation. This liberates recruiters to focus on the human touch in hiring, such as conducting meaningful candidate interviews. 

5. Improves quality of hires

One of the most obvious reasons to create an effective recruitment process is to find better candidates and improve the quality of hires. First, the RMS speeds up hiring employees from requisition to selection. Then, it provides automated features such as auto email communication, interview scheduling, and engaging with candidates. This also contributes to the organization’s brand awareness, encouraging candidates to choose you over your competitors and even referring candidates to your business.

choosing a hiring software

Top 5 features you need in a Recruitment Management Software

1. Automating time-consuming tasks

Recruiters are strapped for time and manpower with the increase in hiring volume. Which is why automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks is such a necessity. An RMS automates processes like resume screening, sourcing, candidate outreach, and interview scheduling. So, when you figure out the tasks that take up too much of your time, choose a technology that enables you to shed-off all the weight of top recruiting challenges.

2. Easy software integration

Recruiters need a process that is quick and easy, and integrates just as well with their existing processes. With the presence of RMS partner marketplaces for complementary software tools, choosing a recruitment management system that integrates well with your existing software is easy. Recruiters seek easy integration, and with RMS partner marketplaces, finding a system seamlessly incorporating web scraping into existing processes is straightforward.

3. Candidate management

An ATS is great for active candidates, but not so much for passive ones. Lever's study found that 30% of hires come from passive candidates. Your online recruitment tool needs to be a passive candidate magnet, whether from external sources or your own database. It's the key to unlocking hidden talent.

4. User-friendly and intuitive interface

Apart from a robust software, the user interface and experience needs to be seamless, intuitive, attractive and user-friendly. The best hiring management system should have options for customisations, drag-and-drop functionality, and automated data entry. 

5. Recruitment analytics and reporting

Recruitment is about data, and data helps you understand how well your recruitment software is doing. You need numbers like where your candidates are from, how fast you fill positions, and how much it costs to hire. These numbers show you what's working and what needs improvement. When you see something not working well, these numbers help you convince others to invest in a better recruiting tool. It's your path to better recruitment!

Also Read: Top 10 recruitment thought leaders to follow in 2023

How do I choose a RMS?

Choosing the right recruitment management system is crucial, but it can be confusing. So, how do you figure out which features are essential and which are just extras?

1. Differentiate between your business’ wants and needs

If you want to make the best use out of your HR recruitment management software, you first need to differentiate between your business’ core requirements and their “wants” and “needs”. Assess your workflow and business process, find the missing link, and identify what could help your recruitment process become more efficient and streamlined.

2. Discover the tools and features that will set your business up for future success

Don't settle for a one-size-fits-all system; aim for one that evolves with your business. Start by asking the tough questions: Do you want cost savings and a smoother candidate experience? Are you keen on uncovering recruitment trends and data? Is remote hiring a priority?
Amidst the sea of recruitment tools, you need to pinpoint the must-haves by asking the right questions and honing in on your core needs to enable the success of your recruitment strategy.

3. Ensure a seamless integration

It’s important that any system that you adopt has the capability to integrate seamlessly with your other business platforms. Ensure that your recruitment management tool has cloud computing capabilities, unified communication, and social networking.

4. Empower your processes with the power of mobility

Selecting a mobile-friendly recruitment software is a game-changer. It lets you handle hiring whether you're at the office or on the move, in real time. You can enjoy full access to an RMS, with the bonus of mobility.

Also Read: Text Recruiting Software: How to keep your candidates engaged

Final thoughts

In the world of recruitment software, there are lots of choices and a bunch of features to consider. But the key to success in managing your workforce lies in picking the right recruitment management system. So, before you decide, take some time to learn about what a recruitment management system can really do and figure out which features will help you achieve your business goals. 

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How to Choose the Right Recruitment Management System

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